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12-2-13 Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes


Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes

                                                         Regular Meeting
                                                        December 02, 2013
                                                                 7:00 P.M.
                                            Council Chambers
  Roll Call:   Vincent Parys, Paul  Barry, Tim Siggia, David Whalen.
  Excused:  Gregory K. Sims Jr. , Kirk Allison
  Absent:    MaryAnn Roczynski, J. Roger Pelletier, Bernie Corona.
  With both the Chairman and the Co chair not present, Commissioner Vincent Parys
 chaired a meeting with those in attendance.  Meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M.

 Approval of Minutes: No quorum present so approval of minutes could not be made.

   Opportunity for Citizens to speak:    None

  Old Business:   The Veterans Day Parade in Hartford that took place on November 3rd  was the
    topic of discussion. It was again suggested that the media be contacted and that our concerns be
   made known to the general public.
     New Business: A motion was made by Commissioner Paul Barry to pay the clerk,  
        Motion could not be approved and the voucher could not be signed.
     Adjournment: The commission adjourned the meeting at 7: 27 P.M.
     Next Meeting :  January 6, 2014

   Respectfully Submitted

   Clerk, Robin E Parys